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Candle Wicks (Cotton) - Set of 10

20 in stock

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To make your own (scented) candles, candle wicks can of course not be missed. You will receive a bag of 10 candle wicks of 15 cm.

Recipe - Candle making
  • Choose a nice jar in which you want to make your candle, preferably a glass jar that can withstand heat.
  • Depending on the contents of your chosen jar, melt the soy wax in the au bain marie way. You can do this with a melting pot.
  • Place the candle wick in your jar. If necessary, stick it to the bottom of your jar, using a little bit of melted soy wax on the bottom of the candle wick.
  • Carefully pour the melted soy wax into your glass and let it solidify.

TIP: Give your candle some extra sparkle by adding some mica powder.

Has your candle burnt out yet? Remove the remaining piece of the candle wick from the jar and fill the jar with (boiling) hot water. The soy wax will heat up and float to the top. Leave the jar for a while. The water cools down, the soy wax solidifies again and lies on top of the water, so that you can easily remove the last remnants of wax. Wipe your jar clean and you can make a new candle in it.

Click here for the entire recipe and explanation for making your own (scented) candle or view the highlight stories on our instagram page.


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