You've probably been working with your essential oils for a while, have made a number of rollers and perhaps your diffuser has already found a nice spot in your home. One of the further uses of your essential oils is to make household products. A nice natural alternative to harsh chemicals to support yourself and your family. In this blog I would like to tell you more about how to make these and what you need for this.
Depending on the brand of essential oils you use, there are already a number of ready-to-use products that you can use in the household, including dishwashing liquid and hand soap. For example, the dōTERRA brand has a line called OnGuard and Young Living has the Thieves line. You can use products from these lines perfectly (as a basis). Of course you can also put together your household products yourself.

How nice is it to further apply your essential oils in and around your home. Let's start with a good all-purpose cleaner.
- 500ml spray bottle
- 50 ml (organic) natural vinegar
- 15 drops Grapefruit essential oil
- 15 drops of Lemon essential oil
- 15 drops of OnGuard of Thieves essential oil
- approx. 400 ml (filtered) water
Preparation: Add the vinegar and essential oils together in the glass spray bottle. Top up with the (filtered) water. Shake to mix all ingredients well.
💡 TIP! Other essential oils that you can use in the spray are Purification (Purify), Rosemary and Tea Tree (Melaleuca).
💡 TIP! Add some pure alcohol if you want extra disinfection and disinfection.

Another product in your household that is often used and also nice to make with your essential oils is a wonderfully foaming hand soap. Of course you can use the ready-made products of the brand essential oils for this. In this recipe I would like to show you how to make your own hand soap.
- 25 0 ml soap dispenser
- 5 tbsp castile soap
- 4 drops Lemon essential oil
- 4 drops of (Wild) Orange essential oil
- 4 drops of OnGuard of Thieves essential oil
- approx. 150 ml (filtered) water
Preparation: Add the castile soap and the essential oils together in the soap dispenser. Shake gently(!) back and forth until the essential oils have been absorbed by the castile soap. Top up with the (filtered) water and shake gently(!) to mix all ingredients well. (The emphasis is on careful, otherwise your mixture will foam very much).
If you use the ready-to-use products, use about 5 tbsp of the ready-to-use hand soap and top up the rest with (filtered) water.
💡 TIP! In the webshop you will find various soap dispensers , they all give a wonderfully soft foam. Provided you top up your mixture with water ;)

Even in the proverbial smallest room of the house, it is nice to keep it nice and clean and fresh. With your homemade toilet spray you never have to smell bad smells again ;)
Preparation: Combine the alcohol and essential oils in the glass spray bottle and shake to mix all ingredients well.
💡 TIP! Some ideas for fine sprays:
- Lavender + Lemon + (Wild) Orange
- Bergamot + Eucalyptus + Tangerine
- Bergamot + Geranium + Marjoram + Patchouli
- Do you have a favorite diffuser blend? Then try this as a toilet spray
It is very important that you use 100% pure essential oils and that you are well informed about which oils you can take responsibly and which oils you cannot take.
There is a potential interaction between medications and essential oils, including a potentiation of drug side effects. Consult your doctor if you have any questions about incorporating essential oils into your daily routine. Pay particular attention to a (possible) pregnancy and when using blood thinners, which essential oil is safe to use. Special guidelines also apply to children. Consult a qualified physician for this.
This information has been compiled with the utmost care. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent diseases, or to replace medical advice from professional doctors and medicines. Anyone suffering from any illness or injury should consult a qualified physician.