DIY: Respiratory balm
Autumn is often a period of colds, coughs and sore throats. To support yourself during this season, a homemade respiratory balm can be very nice. You can easily make this yourself, based on your essential oils!
INGREDIENTS (for 50 ml)
- One or more jars or tin cans
- 35 grams of coconut oil
- 1 tbsp. carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil (mct oil)
- approx. 23 drops of essential oil of your choice (a dilution of approx. 2%)
- Au bain marie melting pot
The essential oils you can use to support your respiratory system include:
- Eucalyptus
- Lavender
- Lemon
- Rosemary
- Blends, such as Air from dōTERRA and RC from Young Living
You can use one or more of these essential oils to make your balm. A blend that I really like is: 10 drops of Eucalyptus, 5 drops of Lavender, 5 drops of Rosemary and 3 drops of Lemon.
- Fill a small pan with water and bring to the boil. Then place a melting pot on the pan with boiling water, so that the steam from the boiling water heats it.
- Put the coconut oil in the melting pan and let it melt slowly (au bain-marie).
- Once everything has melted, remove the melting pot from your other pan and let the mixture cool slightly. 💡 TIP: I myself will put the melting pan on a tea towel on the countertop.
- Wait until the molten mixture has reached a temperature of about 30°C.
- Add the drops of your chosen essential oil(s) and stir until it is well absorbed and it is a nice smooth and even whole.
- Divide your mixture over several small jars and/or tin cans, or go for a large jar, and let it cool (in the fridge).
It is very important that you use 100% pure essential oils and that you are well informed about which oils you can take responsibly and which oils you cannot take.
There is a potential interaction between medications and essential oils, including a potentiation of drug side effects. Consult your doctor if you have any questions about incorporating essential oils into your daily routine. Pay particular attention to a (possible) pregnancy and when using blood thinners, which essential oil is safe to use. Special guidelines also apply to children. Consult a qualified physician for this.
This information has been compiled with the utmost care. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure and prevent diseases, or to replace medical advice from professional doctors and medicines. Anyone suffering from any illness or injury should consult a qualified physician.