BLOG: Reuse your empty/old oil bottles
If you have been working with essential oils for a while, at some point you will have empty oil bottles. It's a shame to throw it away, so why not reuse it?! In this blog I will show you how to properly clean the oil bottles and what you can do with them afterwards. Cleaning your oil bottles Since oil and water don't mix, just rinsing oil bottles with water won't work to get your bottles clean. You need a fat-soluble substance, such as: Dish soap (e.g., dōTERRA's OnGuard line or Young Living's Thieves line) Castile soap (such as this...
DIY: Make a roller blend
YES! There it is, your starter kit with your first essential oils! You must have heard or read a lot about essential oils and have finally taken the step to purchase your first oils. For me, my severe hay fever was the reason to start using oils and I now use them for many different purposes. So there is probably also a certain reason for you why you started your search and ended up with essential oils. As you may already know, you can use essential oils in several ways: Aromatically, for example via a diffuser or a lava stone...
DIY: Make lip balm
Getting started with your essential oils? Make your own lip balm. Delicious in the cold period of the year, or just to protect your lips a bit more during the sunny times. How fun is it to make your own lip balm! SUPPLIES Three tin cans (15 ml) or (lip)sticks 1.5 tbsp coconut oil 1.5 tbsp shea butter 1.5 tsp (organic) beeswax 3 drops essential oil of your choice*. Think of (wild) orange, lavender or how about vanilla Optional: mica powder for some extra sparkle Optional: a few drops of vitamin E oil Bain marie melting pot PREPARATION Fill a...
DIY: Making scented candles
Did you know that you can easily make your own candles? Nice for the winter when the candles come out of the closet again, what about your own citronella candle in the summer against mosquitoes, or just for a nice evening on the couch with a nice book. I'm happy to explain to you how to make these. SUPPLIES Glass in which you want to make your candle (see tip below) 50 g soy wax (amount depends on the size of your final candle, see tip below) A (cotton) candle wick approx. 2 ml essential oil of your choice* (easy...
DIY: Household products
You've probably been working with your essential oils for a while, have made a number of rollers and perhaps your diffuser has already found a nice spot in your home. One of the further uses of your essential oils is to make household products. A nice natural alternative to harsh chemicals to support yourself and your family. In this blog I would like to tell you more about how to make these and what you need for this. Depending on the brand of essential oils you use, there are already a number of ready-to-use products that you can use in...
DIY: Make bath bombs
Can you also enjoy a wonderful bath? Then simply make your own bath bombs.